In French, the acronym RSE stands both for the drogue in skydiving activities – that small piece of tissue that allows everyone to discover this sport safely during a tandem jump – and for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for companies. At POKaPOK, we are mostly interested in the second one, aren’t we ?
CSR represents our awareness of the possible impacts of our activities on the environment, and our willingness to take them into consideration when working on our projects, when making decisions and when building partnerships. It is also a way to put human well-being forward through a set of three main human values.
Just click on the words in the diagram to discover more about POKaPOK’s Corporate Social Responsibility below the diagram or by downloading our flyer.
Click on the diagram for more information
Since the beginning, POKAPOK stands that team building is a key to success. Therefore, POKAPOK is designed as a cooperative and participative society (SCOP) meaning that every employee is intended to become an associate. Associates participate in the general assembly and vote decisions and actions related to the future of the society. They fully take part in the society’s guidance and strategy.
POKaPOK values
POKAPOK will also guarantee equal opportunities and will promote diversity for upcoming recruitments. After joining the team, POKaPOK wants to emphasize good human relationships and behaviors. An ethical charter highlights our main three core values : kindness, collaboration and constructive approach. In our opinion, being kind, constructive and open to collaborate with colleagues and partners will favor good communication both inside and outside the team and will guarantee fruitful exchanges.
Environmental footprint management
Allowing teleworking is only one of the solutions to reduce daily travel that has been put in place at POKaPOK in order to reduce our environmental footprint. Indeed, POKaPOK tries to manage all necessary resources in a clever way. Thus, we always try to reduce our energy consumption, our printings, and our business travels.
As our main work and projects are strongly related to environnemental questions, our employees are well aware of the challenges of our time and both are in favor of and support all environmentally friendly actions.
At last, we want our products to be FAIR : Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Re-usable.
Profits made by POKaPOK are partly shared with employees and partly added to the society’s legal reserve. Details are described in a profit-sharing agreement which is available on the labour department website. This agreement ensures that employees will be given at least 25 % of the profits and also that at least 15% of the profits will be added to the society’s legal reserve.
Local partners
POKaPOK is located in a business incubator and is part of a rich and dynamic local economic network. POKaPOK is a member of the Technopôle Brest Iroise and the Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique, two britany actors playing a crucial role in the promotion and export of local know-how. We are also very close to IFREMER (Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la MER), the European Institute for Marine Studies (IUEM, Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer) and the IMT-Atlantique (Institut Mines-Télécom). Thus, we can benefit from the international outreach of those two neighbors and POKaPOK is therefore implied in many different European projects.
Customized working conditions
POKaPOK allows customized working conditions. Personal constraints and expectations are taken into account to find a suitable solution involving teleworking, flexible hours, part-time work, extra days off.